From The Woods is a local folk band that I used to play bass in. Clearly influenced by Tom Wilke's design for Neil Young's "Harvest" (created in Adobe Illustrator)

"Can VR and Video Games Foster Empathy" was an event held at Smith College by a team of my colleagues and I. This poster was designed to promote the event across campus.
This was a fun project as it required quite a bit of thought into how to graphically represent 'empathy'. The majority of imagery on the internet is basically two heads with arrows point at each other. One critical aspect of all games is the function of choice, which I felt was represented by the controller buttons.

As with many jobs, time was a factor in creating this so the graphics of the controller and background were stock, but I did create the emoji buttons, and did all of the layout, colors and text design.

Packed House Woodwinds and Brass is a local instrument repair business. The business is a side gig for the owners, and so they only wanted something simple that would stand out on a business card. 

Although there are many areas for improvement (letter spacing, instrument size and placement) in this design, I am still proud of the overall aesthetic. It was created very quickly, and the instruments were stock.
(created in Photoshop)

Local cannabis supply shop originally looking for a hand drawn design ideally for T-shirts, but after several drafts I began to play around using simple, chunky text and brought this idea to the owner, who liked it the most out of all the ideas.
(created in Photoshop)

This is a logo designed for Smith College's first MOOC (massive open online course) titled "Psychology of Women's Activism.

(created in Illustrator and animated in After Effects)
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